The voices from Portraits of Allston

If you read some of the quotes on the Portraits, you realize how much the people who live here care about this community. They celebrate its diversity, creativity, food and music. But they also worry about the cost of housing and what that might mean for the mix of artists, immigrants and blue collar workers who make this corner of Boston such a special place. Here are a few of their comments.

“I always felt a sense of community in the music scene in Allston. It breaks my heart how many friends, neighbors, and talented artists are forced to leave this city due to an increasing cost of living and lack of affordable housing. Nobody is going to advocate more for the artists here than the artists themselves, which is why it is important now more than ever for us to leverage our talents and community bond to get involved with local civics and make our voices heard.”

Greg Marquis (He/Him) / Song Writer / Musician

“Allston was my first home away from my hometown. It welcomed me with accessible DIY spaces and venues, and amazing folks who make great food, create cultural events, and craft all the things that make Allston unique. The diversity of our neighborhood makes it so you can always find your place in it. Although home prices have made that more difficult as of late. So this is also a pivotal moment. I hope the people who live here can influence the narrative of who we wish to be in light of the growth and inevitable change that comes with it.”

Liz Torres (She/He or They/Them) / Civic Advocate for Artist and Service/Retail Workers

“Allston’s future lies within its diverse, creative community. We are brimming with potential to re-imagine how Boston interprets and processes growth. The rampant gentrification is a testament to how those with power see growth as a money-making opportunity. But the creative workforce desperately needs that growth to include a sustainable infrastructure for both artists and blue collar workers. If our community does not hold its ground and advocate for our needs, there will be no future for small businesses and the creative community that supports them.”

Nick Grieco (He/Him) / Musician, Founder of Boston Artist Impact

“Clearly Allston is home to some of the planet’s most evolved human beings. There is a creative community here that is both vibrant and inspiring. I hope in the future that it is not diluted by gentrification and real estate development that would adversely affect the bars, restaurants, and shops that make Allston such a great place to live, work and play. And I hope that Allston will always be a welcoming community to the many immigrants who call this city home.”

Pat McGrath / Looney Tunes Records


Postcards from Allston installs first exhibit


Pat McGrath, Looney Tunes Records