Pat McGrath, Looney Tunes Records

It’s everything you want a record store to be. Dark, cluttered, a little bit dingy and filled with vinyl. Whatever your genre, there’s something new or old or unexpected to discover at 116 Harvard St. in Allston, home to Looney Tunes Records. And best of all, you’ll find Pat, who’s been selling records in Boston since the days of the Boston Tea Party, the music venue that was Boston’s answer to the Fillmore West.

Pat’s a true Allston fixture and tells us, “Allston is home to some of the planet’s most evolved human beings. There is a creative community here that is both vibrant and inspiring.” We agree, Pat.

Like most of us who love this corner of Boston, Pat also hopes that we don’t get diluted by gentrification and real estate development, or anything else that would that would adversely affect the bars, restaurants, and shops that make Allston such a great place to live, work and play. Or make it harder or less welcoming for the rich community of immigrants who, by calling this section of the city home, add so much to Allston’s character.

If you like Pat’s way of thinking, or anything music, stop by. Even if you don’t buy anything, you’ll enjoy the conversation.


The voices from Portraits of Allston


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